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Teaching Life Skills to Your Kids: What should I teach?

pasta making egg in flour on breadboard

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Teaching the top Life Skills to your kids

Handicraft, Charlotte Mason-style, involves teaching life skills to kids. But what skills should you teach? We’ll be looking at these in more detail in the future months, but for now, here are some practical ways to incorporate teaching life skills into your kids’ learning.

Background Handicraft

Charlotte Mason handicraft is typically done in the afternoons during “structured free time” and usually builds skills slowly over time.

Some of the basics, like needlework, gardening, housework, and model-making were revisited over several years. Others, like sloyd, paper modeling, or leather work progressed through a series of models until the child possessed a certain mastery.

In today’s modern Charlotte Mason homeschools, individual topics, like quilling or chair caning, are covered over a semester or year and then revisited if the child forms a relationship with the craft.

All are designed to enhance the habit of careful execution, to build confidence in the learner, and to help the learner develop good character.

Often, during the systematic development of learning the craft, the child would be capable of sharing their skills or gifts with others in a sort of “end of semester” final project. For instance, a sewing final project might be to “Make a garment for the ‘Save the Children Fund'”, according to the PNEU Programmes.

Teaching Life skills

Generic Top Skills

  • cooking
  • sewing
  • tool repair & maintenance
  • home repair & maintenance
  • vehicle repair & maintenance
  • finance
  • gardening

Now these are all SUPER generic! You could spend a lifetime learning new things in any one of these areas. So I’d rather get very specific with 3 basic things to learn in each of these areas. Except for Finance – truly an essential life skill, but I think you should cover it in math and in everyday life – for example, in my shopping cart inflation mini-lesson.

Here, I’ve gathered 3 very specific skills/tasks to learn in each category of popular hands-on skills listed above which you can teach your children. Each lists a favorite source.

These skills build on each other too, in general. The older the child or the more familiar with the topic, the easier each skill is to master.


For an overview of a semester in which you teach 6 skills to make “from scratch” cooking easier, check out my post on Teaching Cooking Skills to my Kids. Otherwise, here are some other fun ideas to get you going.

  • Fry an egg in a cast iron pan. | forum. They have a challenge where you can earn badge “bits” and frying an egg in cast iron is part of the “Food Prep & Preservation” Badge. Fantastic breakdown of what you need to do with tiny video tidbits demonstrating each part. Note: If you are unfamiliar with forums, don’t go down a rabbit hole. All you need is Step 1 & Step 2 video. If you want to earn badges, you have to get a free account so you can post your results.
  • Roast a chicken | Downshiftology shows the way I learned it. Simplest ever method. This site has a video also.
    • ADVANCED: Spatchcock Roast the Chicken | AlphaMom from her series of recipes “Every Mom should teach her kids”. Spatchcock removes the backbone and butterflies the bird. Not hard, but involves kitchen shears, so I call it advanced. She’s right though – the bird is more evenly cooked every time! No more undercooked legs with dry, overcooked white meat.
  • Bake a loaf of bread from scratch | Sally’s Baking Addiction

Hand sewing

Much to my surprise, some people consider sewing, a “lost skill“. Here are some ideas on how to find it.

Tool repair & maintenance

Home repair & maintenance

Vehicle repair & maintenance

  • Inflate tires to the right pressure.
  • Refill car fluids | Maui Oil
    • You may need to google your make of car or the specific fluid.
  • Oiling your bike chain | REI


For more on gardening as handicraft , check out my post on How to Train a Future Gardener. Otherwise, here are some other fun ideas to get you going.

For More Study

LSLS Life Skills Leadership Summit logo of tree

Need more tips?

Discover easy ways to add purpose, thinking skills and real life skills at the Life Skills Leadership Summit during February 24-28, 2025.

By the way, I’ll be giving two workshops at the summit so be sure to watch for me!

Grab your free Basic Pass here and you’ll get all sorts of real, PRACTICAL advice from 30+ expert homeschoolers, 50+ workshops & $600+ in Swag.

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