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Teach Kids to Cook: Roundup of Resources

tabletop view of kids chopping veggies

This post is a follow-up post to Teaching Cooking Skills to my Kids in which we discussed 6 basic skills to make scratch cooking easy.

Top 6 Kitchen Skills

  • Knife skills
  • Dry Beans and whole grains
  • Baking Bread from scratch
  • Soup Stock & Sauces
  • Meal Planning and Organization
  • Making Condiments, Snacks, & Staples

This fantastic “Top 6 List” was conceived by Chris over at Joybilee Farms at 6 Basic Skills that Make Cooking From Scratch Easier. The following sources were so helpful to me when I was organizing the lesson plan suggestions for Teaching Cooking Skills to My Kids.

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Teach Your Kids to Cook: Life Skills Training

Sometimes you need to get help from others.

I’ve collected a bunch of excellent resources where you can find the help you need to teach cooking skills to your kids because you want them to be prepared for life.

Recommended Books:

pink sleeve of child's arm reaching for a tomato with an open cookbook and veges
Photo credit: Yaroslav Shuraev,

Recommended Courses:


mom showing her little son how to chop a strawberry while the big sister looks on
Phot credit: Cottonbro Studio,

More Knife Skills

bowl of dry kidney beans
Phot credit: Markus Winkler,

More on Dry Beans and whole grains

kid putting toppings on pizza
Photo credit: RDNE Stock Project

Baking Bread from Scratch

Meal Planning and Organization

kid slicing banana
Photo credit: Gustavo Fring

Making Condiments, Snacks, & Staples

Resources Galore

I hope this has given you plenty of resources and ideas for teaching your kids to cook. If you need a lesson plan for the semester, check out my post Teaching Cooking Skills to My Kids. Cooking is such a vital Life Skill to teach that we forget sometimes to actually take the time and teach it step-by-step.

kids wearing aprons and chopping veggies at a table
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Keep on Learning

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Need more tips?

Discover easy ways to add purpose, thinking skills and real life skills with the recordings from the Life Skills Leadership Summit 2025.

By the way, I gave two workshops at the summit so be sure to watch for me!

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