Skills Win Out Over Passion
Today’s post comes from regular contributor Josh Rudd, who shares an inspirational speech he gave after reading Cal Newport’s book, So Good They Can’t Ignore… Read More »Skills Win Out Over Passion
Learning: What can we learn about how we learn? What do we know? What can we apply to teaching our kids? Can we help them become independent learners?
Below are articles and posts that come at the topic from many angles.
What makes a child learn? Do we keep learning as we age? Is self-education the only way to learn, as 19th-century educator Charlotte Mason famously asked? What makes an auto-didact? Why do some kids seem to teach themselves easily and others not so much?
What practices can we develop to keep our brain learning? Is the brain elastic? Can you teach yourself new things if you are an old dog? How are we wonderously made? Can you grow your brain?
Pedagogy is the study of how teachers teach and the ways learners learn. It also looks at the way that learners learn affects the way that teachers teach. Now — there is a mouthful! Theory and practice can be influenced by culture and different ways to master new information.
In today’s culture, some people categorize students into “Visual, Kinesthetic, or Auditory.” But is it really that simple? Does our learning style define the only way we can acquire new information? Should we become familiar with other ways? Or should we stick to what’s easiest? What can help us learn?
So many questions! See if you can find insight into any of them and then see what questions you can ask yourself to keep learning! Here are articles addressing the topic from many different angles. See if they can add some pieces to the puzzle.
Today’s post comes from regular contributor Josh Rudd, who shares an inspirational speech he gave after reading Cal Newport’s book, So Good They Can’t Ignore… Read More »Skills Win Out Over Passion
Is it important to study Shakespeare? Yes. Why? How Is Shakespeare relevant today? Naturally, the relevance question must be asked since the guy lived and… Read More »Why is it important to study Shakespeare?
Always keep learning The key to applying what you learn is to always keep learning. It’s a feedback loop. Engineering and learning In engineering school,… Read More »Always Keep Learning & Apply What you Learn
Use this simple DIY listening game to increase attention span Do you need help learning how to increase your kids’ attention span? Have you ever… Read More »How to increase your attention span
What’s Inside: Advanced learning habits include meditation, mental effort, reading for instruction, remembering, and thinking. The post is a part of the series on The… Read More »Grow Your Brain: Advanced Habits for Learning
This is Part 2 of Top 10 Habits for Learning In this article, I’ve gathered the practical and motivational resources to help you form your… Read More »Build the Foundation: Basic Habits for Learning
What’s inside: Can you improve your learning by improving your habits? Can you teach habits to your kids? A look at why habits can put… Read More »Top 10 Habits for Learning
Today, I am excited to have a guest post from regular contributor (and also my son) Josh Rudd. In today’s post, Josh looks at unexpected… Read More »Unexpected Lessons
Today, I am excited to have a guest post from Heidi Miller-Ford of The Unexpected Homeschooler, who will help us find out how short lessons… Read More »Find out how short lessons result in more learning
Have you Heard of “Ultralearning”? Noted autodidactic philosopher, Scott Young, has just released his latest book called Ultralearning: Master Hard Skills, Outsmart the Competition, and… Read More »Ultralearning by Scott Young