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Guest Post Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in guest posting on Self Educating Family!

If you would like to submit a post topic and/or outline for consideration, I will review it to see if it’s a good fit for our readers. And keep in mind the following guidelines:

  • Include the keyword search phrase you are using for the article. I prefer longtail keywords with low difficulty.
  • I do not accept guest posts submitted for the sole purpose of obtaining link bait. In other words, guest posts should not be written specifically to provide you with backlinks or promote your product. If this is your intention please don’t bother as I will not accept it.
  • Submissions must be original content with no AI content.
  • Submission of your outline does not guarantee a guest post spot.
  • Article size should be a minimum of 800 words. Many of my articles are 1500+, so no worries if it is longer or more in-depth.
  • If your post is accepted you will need to include at least TWO high-res compressed images that are your own or are copyright-free (and the source of the photos for proper credit.)
  • Submissions may be in HTML format (preferred), Word document, or Open Document Format (ODF). Also, please attach images separately.
  • If accepted, I will need a short bio from you to include at the end of your post along with a link to your site and, if you’d like, a head shot as well.
  • At this time I do not offer monetary compensation for guest posts.

If your idea is accepted, please understand that it may be several weeks before your post is published.

Send your idea

If you would like to submit your guest post idea for review, please email it to: hello {at} selfeducatingfamily {dot} com with “Guest Post Submission” in the subject line. Please include:

  • Your full name
  • Your blog/site URL
  • Your post title
  • The idea for your post (in a couple of sentences)
  • Keyword phrase, volume & difficulty

Thanks so much and I look forward to working with you!!

image thank you with marker on post it note